Minimalist Websites
Simple, uniform, black and white. The overall concept for these websites are pretty straightforward: Keep the layout clean and demure while using color and motion sparingly for drawing attention. Please see the list below for current and completed custom websites.
→Portfolio WebsiteThis portfolio website itself is a CSS3-centric experiment with a focus on using Flexbox for its layout design.
→Amy Lynn Hein - Art Gallery WebsiteAmy Hein is an emerging multi-disciplinary artist who specializes in working with natural dye and natural elements.
This list is currently being populated. Keep on scrolling to read up on the creation process. (In progress)
Going Minimalistic
People often use the term 'minimalistic’ to describe their designs (myself included) even though the truth is that we just couldn't be bothered to create something more intricate at the time.
If it's one thing I learned after having seen so many 'Top 10' lists of minimalistic websites, it's that simplicity requires just as much effort as making something obviously complex.
Color, The Life Giver
Where it makes sense, I try to drastically limit the use of color. I've found that when color is used sparingly and selectively, their ability to create flair and interest is amplified.
Movement Attracts The Eye
Aside from color, the other major aspect running counter to the grey uniformity of the websites is 'motion’. Movement attracts the eye, and using it on only a few select pieces prevents the page from looking too overwhelming.
By giving the websites an overall simple and unassuming look, and then by giving them a subtle interactive aspect, just a bit more focus is placed on the content... which is what really matters in the end.